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Mission Statement

Web Database Business Technology mission is to produce results 100% guaranteed.

Here is what we offer

If you are looking to create a business we have the right tools you need. The packages we offer vary for different needs. We have the Web DB Home Business for people who work from home, Web DB Professional Business for people who have a local business and Web DB Extreme Business for corporations of out of state. You can purchase any of these three packages even if you don't have the right business because Web Database Business Technology will improve it 100% guaranteed. We charge Locally and Out-of-State rates. The Web DB Home Business Locally is = $3000.00 dollars. The Web DB Home Business Out-of-State is = $6000.00 dollars. The Web DB Professional Business Locally is = $5000.00 dollars. The Web DB Professional Business Out-of-State is = $8000.00 dollars. The Web DB Extreme Business Locally is = $7000.00 dollars. The Web DB Extreme Business Out-of-State is = $10,000.00 dollars.


PHP and MySQL is the Web DB Home Business Package starting at $3000.00 locally and $6000.00 Out-of-State. This includes creating the site Server and we'll give you a tutorial how to maintain your web database yourself.


PHP is used with MySQL as the Basic Web DB Home Business Package


This is the Second Web DB Professional Business Package which includes MySQL, PHP and Dreamweaver, creating a more professional and rich dynamic web database. Locally is = $5000.00 and Out-of-State is = $8000.00


This is the Third Web DB Extreme Package which includes PHP, MySQL,Flash and Photoshop, creating a state of the art web database page for corporations. Locally is $7000.00 and Out-of-State is = $10,000.00


This tool is used in the Third Web DB Extreme Package.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I love PHP and MySQL

Right now, I am in the middle of a project, a database-driven website, using PHP
/ MySQL. I can say that it is easy to me since I've been working with it for 2 years now and I'm enjoying it..

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Step by Step Web DB Sample Page. First we create a Table in MySQL

Creating the Table

To begin, you will need to create the MySQL table to store weblog entries. This example will use a table with the following columns:

  • entrydate (TIMESTAMP) - this column will be automatically updated with the current date and time each time you add an entry. Since you'll be displaying entries by date, this field will act as the primary key.
  • entrytitle (VARCHAR) - this column will store the title for each entry.
  • entrytext (TEXT) - this column will store the text of each entry.

To create the table, you can use the following MySQL command. Enter it using the MySQL command-line interface or a front-end such as PHPmyAdmin. Before typing this command, type a USE command to select the database that you will be using.

     entrytitle VARCHAR(100),
     entrytext TEXT);

Second Step we create the HMTL Page. This is where we communicate with PHP

Creating the Add Entry Page

The weblog will use two PHP files: one to display the weblog to visitors, and another to add an entry. The addentry.php file will include the HTML to display a form for you to type an entry as well as the PHP code to store the entry in the database.

The HTML Form

Since this is a very simple weblog, we only need two fields in the form: a text field for the title of an entry, and a text area for the entry itself. You don't need to prompt for the date, since MySQL will assign it automatically. Here is the HTML for the page before adding PHP:

The Third Step is the PHP code which communicates with MySQL and display the data to HTML

The PHP Code

Now all you need is some PHP code to detect when the Submit button is clicked and save the entry in the database. Add the following after the tag:

 Successfully Posted!";
    else echo "ERROR: unable to post.";

This uses the mysql_connect and mysql_select_db functions to connect to the database. Be sure to specify your server, username, password, and database name. It then constructs a MySQL query in the $query variable, using the data entered into the form, and uses the mysql_query function to insert the data.